
'Less Liberal' Is the New Conservative in State Capitol

Rightwingconspirator6/15/2013 9:22:45 am PDT

re: #1 Skip Intro

What total bull. He’s a pragmatic Democrat, who is only able to get things done because the voters finally voted the Terrorist Party into insignificance. Were they still holding power, this state would be back of the fast track to financial disaster.

Not at all. Here is why I think so. When you look at what Brown wanted as compared to the Dem legislature early proposals, your point falls. The most powerful Dems come from Sacramento, Berkley and San Francisco. Not bastions of pragmatics, but the homes of strident advocacy instead. The Dem majority in the legislature goes way back.

When Gov Arnold made very similar proposals including a vote on tax increases he was laughed at and humiliated by the legislature. What a difference party affiliation makes. Brown has fiscal proposal similarities to Schwarzenegger just as Obama has fiscal similarities to Bush. Sheer necessity has won the day. Finally (late!) it overcame party hack politics.

IMO if a Republican Gov had won & had made identical proposals to Browns we would not have a budget. We would have a repeat of obstructionism and turf wars.