
Kim Dotcom to Launch Political Party

cinesimon9/02/2013 4:08:40 pm PDT

re: #1 Mentis Fugit

He’s merely returning the favor.
In DotCom’s case, Key totally showed himself to be the yes-man to whatever American right winger who calls him on the phone and asks something of him.
And cripes is he One Of The Boys. He attacks journalists who reveal inconvenient truths, he treats the NZ people the way republicans and some Dems treat Americans(like children who can’t deal with The Truth), and it doesn’t take much for an honest journalist to show him to be the dishonest puppet he really is.
Key held the formation of a government to ransom on - of all things - his insistence that charter schools be prioritized as policy that will be done. And, surprise surprise, before politics he was an investment banker. Te industry that loves government money and insists on no accountability or performance goals aside from profit. Who cares of the kids are no longer taught to think for themselves? The investors are making money - and that’s what counts!

Fuck John key. He’s turning NZ into a mini America, authoritarian government tendencies and all.
So as much opposition the better.