
At Guns & Ammo, No Room for Mild Deviation

Dark_Falcon1/06/2014 8:18:36 pm PST

re: #1 jvic

The following is an interesting comment from the NRO comment thread. While unyielding, it is noteworthy for being more clearheaded than most such comments and it is also not shrill:

David Gillies
• 41 minutes ago

The function of a magazine or newspaper is to reflect the views of its readership, not to shape it (well, that and to sell classified ads). That’s obviously a dreadful affront to the amour propre of the average journalist, who likes to think himself the standard bearer of truth and enlightenment, but it’s nonetheless the case. Metcalf was fired over what was essentially an error of judgement, but as errors of judgement go, it was a doozy. The real problem, as Second Amendment supporters know, is that all concessions to the anti-gun crows, no matter how small and apparently innocuous, are pocketed with no quid pro quo. This is the classic tactic of terrorists (e.g. the PLO and IRA). It can be very effective. The only counter is absolutely rigid adherence to certain inviolable policies. Where Metcalf made his mistake was in thinking that the other side was arguing in good faith. That he was treated shabbily was undeniable; the blame lies even more squarely on the editorial board. His defenestration was ugly, but alas necessary. It was his bad luck to find himself in the Admiral Byng role.
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