
FAQ on Mozilla CEO Resignation

cinesimon4/07/2014 2:40:00 pm PDT

I find Andrew Sullivan’s take on this fascinating. It’s so him. If his ‘argument’ is to be take at face value, he’d hit the roof just as hard if this had all been over a white supremacist. Either that, or he is totally clueless about the rhetoric, hatred and dehumanizing of gay people that the Prop 8 campaign indulged in. Which is just as likely - he does tend to see things from an amazingly uninformed position sometimes - a position he stakes out for himself based on choosing to ignore the realities that debunk his fundamental hatred of liberals - he needs to keep that stance intact. regardless of the fact that he’s beginning to look more and more like the dishonest rage machine he was whilst cheer-leading the invasion of Iraq. He really is nothing more than a gay version of Bill O’Reilly. It’s really quite humorous how he cherry-picks his examples of why he hate most gay people and liberals. Who’re of course all “far left”. Because he can’t call us commies or fifth columnists anymore.