
Palestinians Who Participate in Israeli/Palestinian Facebook Dialogue are Deemed 'Collaborators'

lobengula7/11/2011 10:57:41 am PDT
Any Palestinian now caught using the page will be labeled a collaborator with the Israeli occupational machine, their views cast out of what is acceptable amongst Palestinians, those named shamed and hounded out of all discussions as their views are now unacceptable – thus says the mullah from Chicago.

Have you read the article you’ve alluded to? No is my guess so let me break it down for you: it’s an opinion piece wherein the secular Ali Abunimah concludes that the facebook page created by Uri Savir is not a legitimate attempt at diplomacy because it makes no acknowledgement of the oppression of the Palestinian people. Whether you agree with this position or not is irrelevant. What is relevant however, is your rebranding of Abunimah as a “mullah,” and calling his opinion piece a “fatwa” in an attempt to introduce a nonexistent religious element to his ideas and thereby encourage others to dismiss his opinion as that of a crazy rambling Islamist.

Also relevant is the claim that Abunimah views Palestinians who support the facebook site as “collaborators with the Israeli occupational machine.” Again, this deliberate misinformation serves to delegitimize his argument by associating him with fanaticism. Read his article (for the first time). I don’t see how any reasonable person can conclude that abunimah is accusing the two arabs mentioned in the NYT article of complicity with the Israeli occupation.

Just wondering, is Gideon Levy a mad “mullah”? Are his opinion pieces “fatwas”? Your posts smack of racism and I challenge you to make a single truthful statement on your next I/P page.