
Mitt Romney - Draft Dodger

Decatur Deb5/05/2012 7:14:37 pm PDT

re: #1 jvic

The linked article describes a demonstration in 1966. At that time Romney would not have been sure whether he would be drafted. It turned out that his lottery number, 300, was too high to be called.

If evidence emerges that Romney asked his influential contacts to intercede should he be called, I will consider him a draft dodger. As matters stand, the term is more plausible wrt G.W. Bush, Cheney, and Bill Clinton than it is wrt Romney.

(I speak from the experience of having dodged the draft myself—by joining up.)

In 1966, attending college put him out of the reach of the draft until the lottery was established. It’s about the year I made Spec 5. Dunno what effect his 30 month missionary tour in France had.