
Why It's Sometimes Rational to Be Irrational

CuriousLurker6/17/2012 12:55:06 am PDT

From the article:

Wired: What do skeptics think of your book?

Hutson: I’ve received some negative feedback through comments on blog posts or articles online. These are most frequently by skeptics, and — critically — skeptics who haven’t actually read the actual book. It turns out a lot of skeptics don’t like hearing that they aren’t as rational as they think they are. They also don’t like hearing that there are some benefits to irrationality.

We all exhibit magical thinking at some point or other. I think it must be part of how our minds work, maybe for good reason, as EiMitch pointed out above.

If you like to read about this kind of stuff, you might want to order a copy of Multimind: A New Way of Looking at Human Behavior. The author has written several other books over the past couple of decades, one being The Evolution of Consciousness, which I also read years ago and found fascinating.