
They're at it again!

ReamWorks SKG11/17/2012 6:50:59 am PST

While I’d certainly bet money that this guy was faking it, because there were cuts between the shots others would argue that the sequence had simply been reversed and the man was, in fact, injured. It’s also possible (admittedly, I don’t believe it, but possible), that he had simply collapsed or fainted and that’s why he was able to recover so quickly.

Please understand I agree with your assessment that he was hamming it up for the camera, but I’d rather use very solid, verifiable facts. Otherwise the Israel-haters will latch on to any mistake you make and use that to disprove anything else you may say about Israel’s response to being attacked by the Palestinians.

It was certainly sloppy and irresponsible of the BBC to use that clip if there’s any doubt the man was injured. And there certainly is doubt.