
In Case Anyone Still Thinks Republicans Are Sane

stabby12/04/2012 6:39:40 pm PST

Could someone explain to me the reasoning behind James O’keefe’s supposed sting of ACORN?

He shows up at community organizing offices acting like a moron pretending to be a pimp - not like an actual pimp who wouldn’t have any reason to go there, and then attempts to either catch them not calling the police, or something.

What exactly makes you think to do that? Is the theory that all poor people (and you need to read “poor” as “black” or some other racial epithet to match the thinking of these bigots) - that all poor people are criminals and that everyone who serves poor people are criminals?

I never understood what narrative was so popular here. You pretty much have to be an extreme bigot to even be willing to watch those videos given the assumptions behind them, let alone get excited by them.

So it turns out that Acorn is considered eternal by American bigots. This is going to end up like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, rwnjs will still be blaming things on Acorn 100 years from now.