
Scott Prouty, 47% Filmmaker, Is Not a Democrat - Adam Clark Estes - the Atlantic Wire

Destro3/14/2013 9:41:06 am PDT

So what if he was a Democrat?

Also, what got this man to action is actually the part of the speech where Romeny toured a slave labor camp in China and came away saying how wonderful it was and not so much at first the 47% (if I recall the interview).

If Romeny is so stupid as to think a barbwired enclosure with armed guard towers is to prevent people from breaking into the labor camp to get work rather than to keep the laborers inside under lock and key and controlled then that dumb piece of shit does not deserve any sort of consideration for political office.

Maybe, the lies about the Chinese labor camp being a paradise is what capitalists like Romeny need to tell themselves so they can sleep at night the way slave owners used to delude themselves into thinking their slavery system took care of blacks rather than harmed them……