
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo: 'We Suck at Dealing With Abuse'

Kragar2/05/2015 1:15:30 am PST

I tried watching one or two of the CSI shows on Netflix and honestly, I just can’t bring myself to watch them. The sheer ridiculousness of them is just overwhelming.

“Yes, I’m the on duty crime scene photographer. Why else would I show up in a city park at 3:00 am wearing a power dress worth more than I would reasonably make in a month and heels so I can traipse around in the mud? Don’t worry, I’ll be able to enhance this photo, then we can digitize it and we’ll be able to triangulate the location of a victim based on cut and paste/drag and dropping from a JPG into a map program.”

For the love of fuck people, how the hell did this shit make it on air?