
Stephen Colbert Weighs in on the Important Debate of the Week: Did Trump Say "Shithole" or "Shithouse?"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/16/2018 10:18:32 pm PST

re: #19 Joe Bacon 🌹

Anymouse, this is going to wind up in the trash heap the same way Tim Draper’s plan to split California into six states.

Now Draper is back with another plan to split California into 3 states. But that will fail.

And the secession movement collapsed when it split into two factions with one clearly under the control of Putin…

And the huge crowd in the video at that “independence declaration” looked like no more than a dozen people.

They were complaining about the state being “ungovernable” and having high taxes. Sounds a lot like SovCit nonsense to me.