
Creationism at the Huffington Post

jamesfirecat7/03/2010 11:37:55 am PDT

re: #14 Jimmah

Rare Look Inside Bible Belt Classroom :

[Video]Classic parting shot:

“How can, like, an African-American person evolve from a white person? We’re different skin”

Dear god this is was like, PHYSICALLY PAINFUL for me to watch all the way through, but I just had to do it.

By the way the kid has it backwards, life started in the Middle East (even a died in the whole fundamentalist should be able to agree with me on that) and then white people “evolved” from black people.

/////I believe I just discovered recent shocking evidence of this act still taking place even today….

Image: michael-jackson.jpg

Image: michael-jackson.jpg

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Image: michael-jackson-waving.jpg