
Pelosi Calls for Investigation into Anti-Muslim Groups

Charles8/18/2010 10:44:28 am PDT

re: #6 darthstar

That’s not the same as calling for a ‘congressional investigation.’ I think what Speaker Pelosi was saying was, “Hey press! Do your fucking job and stop being part of the problem!” But the media is too lazy to do that, by and large. That’s why it takes a blogger at Salon to trace the outrage back to Pamela Geller, and it takes the Rachel Maddow show to put it on TV. Everyone else in the media is more interested in “How will this hurt President Obama and the Democrats in November?” It’s their August ratings booster, like the death panel fears and gun-toting teabaggers from last year’s town halls who were simply just good honest white folk worried about how that crazy black president was going to kill grandma.

Not to blow my own horn, but I’ve trying to warn people against Geller and Spencer and their ilk for years, long before Rachel Maddow or Salon got into it.