
SF Anti-Circ 'Intactivists' Promote their Cause with Blatant Anti-Semitic Cartoons

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion6/03/2011 4:00:18 pm PDT

There’s definitely anti-semitism involved in this, and this comic makes that blatantly clear, but I know many of these zealots are just people who are convinced that male circumcision is equivalent to female circumcision and that their parents maimed/disfigured them to rob/cheat them out of the ability to enjoy sex. These people were so seemly crazy that they made the anti-vaxxers and 9-11 Troofers look completely sane and reasonable in comparison.

Is there any data to backup the idea that sex is better with a foreskin? I cant imagine the difference being worth wild-eyed activism and putting up with anti-semites.