
Who Killed Hostess Brands and Twinkies? Don't blame the union (and you shouldn't be eating that crap anyways)

Rightwingconspirator11/16/2012 3:24:42 pm PST

re: #19 CuriousLurker

It’s like, “ZOMG, the Twinkies! What’s next—baseball, apple pie? How long before they come for dear old mom??” // *collapses in fit of giggles*

Twinkies, the stoner classic!
It’s amazing how many real world factors are being ignored by the RW “it’s the eeeebilll uuunionnn” crowd and the left leaning anti capitalists. Sheesh I had hoped for a bit of relief from these high caffeine content emotional self delusions after the election.

It’s time we started setting polemics aside and look at the facts. I suspect the decline in market share came from a host of factors. (oops)

I’m sure management made plenty of mistakes, and those stupid raises surely poisoned negotiations. Union on Union fratricide? Screw them, I’m feeling for a bunch of soon to be unemployed people. And now other bakers pensions are going to be stressed.

But if we don’t get to the far larger pension issue, well it’s gonna pay to die young.