
Hilarious Video Remix: Sassy Trump on His Dinner With Comey

Birth Control Works5/14/2017 9:54:04 am PDT

re: #171 DanielKi

You are correct. There are journals full of scholarly articles. Most our Domestic Violence Law/Sexual Assault Laws reflect this

The problem is funding ā€”enforcement, education, social services and oversight.

The problem is ambivalence.

People know that most prison inmates were victims of childhood violence, but as President Carter said in his TED talk ā€œMen donā€™t give a damn.ā€

Women are fighting on all fronts.

We have the research and the laws because of women like Jane Addams and all who remain nameless who have been struggling thru the halls of academia for legitimacy for centuries. We have them because of all the nameless women who run for office or support those who run for office to change the status quo.

You most likely have PTSD from what you experienced as a child. It is no less valid or disabiling that the soldierā€™s PTSD.

Be kind to you!