
Video: Jive Dinosaur Turkeys

ArmyWife2/08/2009 4:46:31 pm PST

My comments in bold

re: #125 sprucepinehollow

I feel a little like like a meat cutter applying for membership with PETA, but here goes…
I’ve enjoyed reading LGF for the past month, but I’m still trying to figure out the culture. Seems like the evolution/creation debate is a big deal. Some of you appear to be really tired of talking with religious people about the subject, yet articles continue to be posted. We aren’t tired of speaking to religious people at all! In fact, many of us are quite religious. It’s stupid people we struggle with.

My ideas/questions regarding the evolution/creation debate:
-Seems like a lot of group think going on here, with religious views often dissed and mocked. Again, religious views are accepted. What isn’t acceptable is forcing those views on others to the detriment of science. If you would like to be a creationist, more power to you, just keep it out of our science classes (unless it’s a private school, then we really don’t care beyond hoping science get taught in there somewhere).
-History is full of biased scientists and religious leaders. LGF tends to portray scientists as human machines, incapable of having pre-conceived ideas or bias and Creationist leaders as idiots and liars. Am I correct? Nope, you are not correct.
-Is there a logically sound argument that refutes Behe’s book “Darwin’s Black Box,” specifically the idea of irreducible complexity? Is there a logically sound argument that refutes the “watchmaker” argument? Yes. You’ve been reading the threads, right? No need to repost here, then.
—I don’t have a major problem with theistic evolutionists. Good?
-I have a problem with atheists who claim that humans can do anything wrong… or right. That’s fine, nothing wrong with civil discourse. I chose to be accepting of differing views, again, so long as they don’t sneak up in my science class. For those that simply can’t formulate a logical conversation, I just ignore. This is the internet, you know.
-Where is LGF on the separation of church & state issue? Despite what you’ve assumed, there is no “LGF” stand on issues (barring the issues are not related to calling for harm, revolution, real racism, conspiracy theories and, in general, nonsense). If you want opinions on this, ask us - we will respond individually, and there will be diverging view points.
-Science seems to be creating its own high priesthood, where issues can only be debated by scientists, not laymen. Interesting since we have many laymen here who debate this issue with aplomb. We have scientists, too, but I’ve yet to see one smack me down for my thoughts on the subject.

Any help on enlightening me on the LGF culture, the near total lack of patience with people who take opposing views on evolution would be appreciated. This is an honest request, I’m not trying to make a back handed slap at LGF. I’m heading out of town early, so mostly listen for now, but I’ll be back… unless I get booted. Thanks!

Please note that I was not elected Lizard Press Secretary, so others very well may feel differently than I do - that is what makes this place great.