
Some thoughts on 'sex by surprise'

CuriousLurker12/08/2010 5:27:42 pm PST

Ludwig, I’ve been watching this thread since it began and here’s what I think:

You waked into this thread and basically lobbed a word-grenade into a crowded room. It had consequences you didn’t anticipate, namely that the words you used have become the only thing people are going to remember about your contribution this discussion.

I don’t know ice well enough to speak for her, but I’ll stick my neck out anyway and say she’s probably doubly furious with you because not only have you effectively hijacked her page and derailed the conversation she originally wanted to have, but (more importantly) you’re her friend and you used the very same type of language that you know has been used against her. That’s hurtful—or at least it would be to me—not simply because others used that language against HER (I doubt she loses any sleep over what they say), but because she feels it’s wrong to use it towards ANY woman.

I GET that you hate evil. I do too. I also get what you meant, but, as a woman, it didn’t stop me from feeling a reflexive flash of anger & resentment at your use of the words. It’s one thing when faceless, anonymous creeps do it, but it’s something else altogether when it’s coming from someone you know and have had good conversations with.

Aside from the clips I see here, I don’t watch Fox News. It really doesn’t matter to me how any of their people dress as I’m 1000 times more repulsed by the tone & content of their message than by who delivers it or how they’re dressed when they do so. If someone is so desperate, oversexed, or witlessly easy to manipulate that they can be convinced to watch Fox’s tripe for the SOLE purpose of catching a glimpse of some skin, then I really don’t see much point in being upset about it.

IOW, either they watch Fox because they agree with their agenda and the sexy women are just a bonus, or they watch because they’re utter fools that any attractive woman could easily lead around by the nose. Getting angry or ranting about either of those scenarios is a waste of time, IMO. I’d rather spend my time talking to/about people who I have at least SOME hope of persuading about the things that matter to me.