
Fox News Commenters Respond to Common Story with Deluge of Racism and Hate

elizajane5/11/2011 2:35:47 pm PDT

Just stopped by and visited this Fox story you’re all talking about . The first comment, which I copied before I flagged it for review, was:

nailager Just now in reply to boxers123
I feel bad for the next president, he or she has to sterilize everything and wipe off all of the afro sheen, it will be quite a task.


Dave Shelter Just now
Remember children, the Chubby First Chubacca says eat your apple slices while her husband spends more of Americas money on ridicules poetry parties for rap stars at the White House.

Fox must be employing a veritable army to scrub this comment thread so that they can keep claiming that it’s the left, and the blacks, who are the true racists in the USA. The way the Right have absorbed the First Lady as a free target for vicious insults is unparallelled and I find it particularly revolting.