
The Wall Street Journal Trots Out a Former Chief Scientist for BP to Argue Against Action on Climate Change

CuriousLurker9/22/2014 6:42:55 am PDT

re: #193 William Barnett-Lewis

The rest of the imagery is so consistent with being about Nero’s Rome that I personally consider it obvious. But Christianity has been infected with it’s eschatological foolishness since probably even before the Romans tied him up to a cross. I say before as there was the earlier strains of it in Jewish thought brought back from Babylon that can still be seen in Daniel for example (which then gets twisted even further by the nuts looking to support their ideas of Revelations, wash, rinse, repeat, ad nausum…)

Dualism is the ultimate curse behind this.

One of the first big differences I found between Islam and what I understood from my (nominally) Catholic upbringing was that while there’s a Satan in Islam, he’s not portrayed as anywhere near as powerful as God.

Regarding Babylon, it wouldn’t surprise me. For me, dualism always immediately brings to mind Zoroastrianism.