
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Danny Rising

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/03/2019 12:06:37 am PDT

Looks Like Our First Dem Campaign Deathwatch Is Already Underway (Goes to Wonkette)

Our first Campaign Deathwatch of the 2020 race is officially underway, as Politico reports John Hickenlooper’s campaign is in very sad shape. But what about already-kinda-gone Howard Schultz, you ask? Ah, but you have to actually run before your campaign can expire, and Schultz never formally took the step beyond “exploring,” so there. Dickendongler, on t’other hand, appears to have blowed up on the launch pad before he ever got any traction, and now all his sweet green icing’s flowing down, to coin a phrase.

According to “a source familiar with the situation,” Dirkendiegler’s senior staff “urged him last month” (!!!) to gracefully bow out and either run for the US Senate or do something useful with his time, says Politico. The whole effort got beat up on with the ugly stick, it seems:

The source said that the campaign only has about 13,000 donors, making it almost impossible to qualify for the next round of presidential debates in the fall. The campaign also only raised just over $1 million in the second quarter — about what he raised in the first 48 hours of his candidacy — and will likely run out of money completely in about a month.

At least five staffers have left or are leaving Hickenlooper’s struggling operation, including his campaign manager, communications director, digital director and finance director. Hickenlooper named a new campaign manager on Monday night.
