
There's No Conspiracy in the 'Climategate' Emails

ignoranceisfatal12/04/2009 2:30:36 pm PST

re: #187 robdouth

Instead of “we shouldn’t do anything, it’s a hoax,” It’s more like “We proably shouldn’t do anything drastic, because we don’t know the ramifications.

Again I’m genuine in my concern, and new to crawling out from under the full-skeptic rock.

If I told you that:
- there’s a 25% chance that AGW will have no significant impact on our future lives
- there’s a 50% chance that AGW will have the predicted impact on our lives
- there’s a 25% chance that AGW will have a more dramatic than predicted impact on our lives

Wouldn’t that be a pretty convincing argument for doing *something*? Sure, you can peg your hopes on that 25% no-impact outcome, but that seems a rather imprudent course of action.