
Incredible Bassist Adam Ben Ezra: Flamenco - Double Bass Solo

Birth Control Works2/01/2013 9:23:47 am PST

re: #199 Sol Berdinowitz

Yes, some of their policies did appeal to a lot of Germans, they offered a lot of things that sound “seinsible” to our ears, (Autobahns, paid vacation, package tours for the working classes), they promoted a meritocracy over the priveleges of the class system, etc.

They appealed to the peoples’ desire for stability and order in a time of economic crisis and political strife that was paralyzing the country.

And they also appealed to an existing anti-Semitism, but in doing so, promoted it to an ideology and a body of legislation banning Jews from intermarriage, professional practices and restricting their property rights.

So WTF? I mean, WTFityFingF?

I have a hard time with the “sensible” insertion as well. It’s just not right.