
Take a Vacation With Moonchild: "Nobody"

Citizen K5/30/2018 6:22:16 am PDT

re: #198 wheat-dogg

Anecdotal evidence, but a friend of mine takes Ambien, and would sometimes go ballistically angry and one time was absolutely convinced the building was collapsing in an earthquake, and told his class to evacuate the room. No such collapse happened.

Me, two glasses of red wine are enough to knock me out for the night. I’m such a lightweight now.

Ambien is no joke, that’s true enough.

But Roseanne’s disgusting racism is already a known factor. That she went a little more off the handle with it may be attributable to Ambien side-effects, but it’s not new, and had been actively coddled before this. It shouldn’t have taken this long to begin with for ABC to stop enabling it.