
Right Wing Heads Explode as Video of Rand Paul Bashing Ronald Reagan Surfaces

Targetpractice4/23/2014 1:54:49 pm PDT

re: #199 Jack Burton

I’m convinced that’s part of the reason they are jumping all over the Bundy Ranch situation. They think it’s their chance to prove to all the “libtards” that the 2nd Amendment alone really can halt “tyranny” in the 21st century.

Your redneck with AR vs professional soldier with tank argument is invalid commie!

or some shit…

Even though, if they truly were dealing with a tyrannical government, they wouldn’t have sent federal agents, they would have rolled in the Army and simply shot anyone who got in the way. And Bundy would not be sitting on his fat ass, laughing to the press, he’d be sitting a jail cell while awaiting trial where the guilty verdict is never in doubt.