
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo: 'We Suck at Dealing With Abuse'

Birth Control Works2/05/2015 8:40:51 am PST
16. Although data on violence are essential to informing and monitoring prevention efforts, the report finds that in many countries data on violence are missing or inadequate. National action plans often existed when national survey data do not, suggesting that much planning and policy-making are done in the absence of data. Although many countries are investing in prevention programmes, the level of that funding is not commensurate with the scale and severity of the problem. Furthermore, although violence prevention laws are widely enacted (in 80% of participating countries), their enforcement is often inadequate. With regard to services, child protection services were reported by 69% of countries, followed by medico-legal services for victims of sexual violence. Less than half the countries reported the availability of mental health services to meet the needs of victims of violence.

This is my experience.

Lack of funding for enforcement, and oversight.