
Questions Remain in Reuters Photo Cropping Incidents

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/09/2010 2:07:18 pm PDT

re: #183 Killgore Trout

Yup. The account of the incident is almost identical. It’s also confirmed by the live Al Jazeera video too.

So in short, what the Israelis are saying happened and what the Arabs are saying happened is actually identical (because the arabs want to brag about hurting Jewish soldiers) and the only people who are saying differently and lying to do so are Reuters and the anti- Israel left.

The American right, has done so much crazy talk that when they talk about it they are discounted, and the American left is trying hard to spin out with this but getting held up on pesky facts that the Arabs themselves are publishing. End result, confusion of the middle who will shortly move on to discussing the breasts of starlets.