
President Man-Baby: "I'm Not a Moron - YOU'RE the Moron"

Dangerman10/09/2017 3:05:18 pm PDT

re: #191 Blind Frog Belly White

I remember very early on, when Trump went to Carrier in Indiana and the ‘saving’ of those jobs was announced. Some commentator said that Trump might use a lot of that sort of thing to make himself very popular.

I remember thinking at the time that it would be awful if Trump did that, and maybe also won popularity with a major infrastructure bill, and the Dems would have to choose between simple obstruction and swallowing our pride to work with him on something we believe in. I thought, “Well, maybe if he’s not so tied to the Republicans and tries to gain broader popularity by doing things that actually help, it might not be so awful.”

Now? Jesus. He’s done such an appalling job that I can’t imagine how he’d recover. The most popular thing he could do right now would be to resign. Most Presidents start out popular and then lose it over time as reality settles in. They may get bursts of popularity for something like George HW Bush and Desert Storm, or George W Bush and 9/11, but in both cases that glory was fleeting.

Trump? I no longer fear he’ll turn out to be an evil genius who does just enough popular stuff to get good poll numbers. No, what I fear is paying the price for his massive incompetence and narcissism. Pruitt is probably the worst of the cabinet picks, though it’s a close fight with Price for that. But he’ll have a Fed Chairman to appoint soon, and he’s too stupid to grasp macroeconomics. I’ve heard he’s interested in some of the Gold Standard morons.

for all the not a politician, outsider, successful businessman, he has proven to be stunningly awful at this

its not that they cant do anything right
they seem to work very hard at doing everything wrong - and without any self awareness at all

everyone saw that pence and the football game was a set up before he was like on the next plane - did they really think it wouldnt show?

yeah i know they dont care. do they think this is really working?

is it really working?