
Insanity Break: The Terms

Killgore Trout6/19/2012 7:37:35 am PDT

Here’s something you don’t see every day
Octopus hitches ride on dolphin’s genitals

An octopus got the joyride of its life last week when it somehow became stuck on the belly of a bottlenose dolphin in the Ionian Sea. More specifically, the tentacled sea creature had a seat on the dolphin’s genital slit.

Researchers with the Ionian Dolphin Project, part of the Tethys Research Institute, were observing a foursome of dolphins near the island of Kalamos off the west coast of Greece. Suddenly, one of the dolphins leapt out of the water with something strange dangling from its stomach. It wasn’t until the researchers examined their photos of the leap that they realized the unidentified object was an octopus.