
Texas Lawmaker Backs Creationist 'Degree'

Spar Kling3/16/2009 9:50:55 pm PDT

re: #197 Alberta Oil Peon

We are all well aware of the fact that Global Warming is a
“convenient crisis” being hyped by charlatans like Al Gore, Maurice
Strong, and David Suzuki as a tool to tear down capitalism. You’re
preaching to the choir here.

What I see is an attempt to deflect our attention away fro the
matter at hand, which is a determined assault on the teaching of
science by a small minority of heretical Christians.

Gut the quality (already pathetically low) of science teaching in
the public schools, and you simply make it easier for con artists like
Al Gore to ply their trade.

Yes, but I don’t think that it’s as great a threat as you think it is.

While Global Warming is indeed a convenient crisis that can and will be used as justification for anything that the Obama administration feels they can get away with, it is not correct to deny that there aren’t highly educated scientists who are convinced that global warming is real, that they haven’t published papers in peer-reviewed journals, and that global warming isn’t generally accepted as true in the scientific community. According to Dr. Eugenie Scott, Executive Director of the National Center for Science Education:

If evolution carries 99 percent unanimity among scientists, then climate change as being caused by human activity has a rate of 85 to 90 percent unanimity among scientists.”

(Does this count as quote mining, or do you think that this quote accurately represents Dr. Scott’s views on the subject?)

So, I’d suggest that the same legislative tools that will keep Intelligent Design, Creationism, and what-have-you out of public schools will also be used to entrench the teaching of Global Warming (along with the administration’s radical agenda) in Science classrooms.

But it seems that many people here feel that the Obama administration’s planned deconstruction of our beloved industrialized America into a corrupt, third-world country is not nearly as great a threat as ID or Intelligent Design. I don’t.

However, I do not believe that religion should be taught in Science classes, but I do believe that controversy and challenges are good for Science and students studying the scientific method. Even wrong turns and blind alleys help sharpen students’ minds as they learn to challenge their own prejudices. So, yes, students should learn about phlogiston, aether, the Bohr atom, DeBroglie waves, Lamarckianism, spontaneous generation, and all the experiments that falsified them!
