
Muslim Parent Upset Over School Flyer Promoting Church's Easter Egg Hunt

ObserverArt4/06/2014 5:56:21 am PDT

If the event was in a public park…good. A church distributing flyers in a public school, not good. It sort of smacks as a chance for recruitment. But I may have an exception.

If the church had said the event was a special way to have religions come together in an open and fun way for the kids it might be a ground breaker. If the flyer specifically said ALL religions and non-religious are invited to share fun and act as a way to learn and communicate about their shared concerns and to learn about unique differences to help strengthen the community then it might be pretty cool.

Any thing that teaches about differences and how we are all still the same in many ways and focuses on breaking down walls, attitudes and suspicions would be a good thing in my book. As a matter of fact, this is what ALL churches should strive to do. Be open and inviting and inform others about your religion while you ask your members to learn about theirs.

Does that make sense? Or, does it make too much sense?