
In a Web Exclusive, John Oliver Examines ... The Da Vinci Code?

Khal Wimpo (free internal organs upon request!)1/10/2022 11:24:29 am PST

Got CL’d in the last thread, when we were talking about wackaloon attempts to find *ANYTHING* other than the safe, free, easy vaccine to avoid COVID.

re: #201 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

I take 50 mg spironolactone 2X daily to suppress testosterone. My Endo was hesitant about that high of a dose as spiro is primarily used to treat high blood pressure and I also take 40 mg Lisinopril once daily. Spiro is also a f-ing diuretic so I am always going to the bathroom because of the amount of water I drink to counteract that. Which in turn messes with my sodium level. Toss in the Estradiol (increased risk of blood clots) and HRT can be a bit of a challenge at times. But it’s better than being dead.

That’s a lot of body chemistry to have to keep track of; kudos & respect for you figuring out how to navigate it all.

Meanwhile, the dimwits thinking that taking hormone therapy to sidestep the effects of the ‘rona are probably not going to start to transition, but then again, who knows? All we need is for Joe Rogan to start yapping about this, and maybe millions of angry right-wing choads suddenly have to start re-thinking their policies on public bathroom usage?