
All New TSA Silliness

Summer Seale12/27/2009 10:32:04 pm PST

re: #18 Bagua

I agree with you in part, but the difference with healthcare is that you’re relying on trained people who have lots of business education and acumen to make decisions about, basically, paperwork. And if somebody makes a mistake, you can try again. Whereas the TSA relies on a lot of people with little training to make decisions that affect the life or death of hundreds of people at the time, and there is no trying again if somebody makes a mistake

I don’t want to turn this into an elitist point, however, as I know almost all people in the TSA are really trying their best. But we’ve all read stories about how many of them are badly trained and/or motivated with little guidance.

Look at Israeli security: they train their operatives very hard. We could do the same. It would cost us more, but we’d have better security.