
Fox News Asking Questions Again: Was Petraeus Being Blackmailed by Obama?

Tigger211/14/2012 10:31:58 am PST

re: #19 dragonfire1981

A friend of mine ran a local construction shop for many years and it was not unionized. He treated his employees very well, there was no need for union involvement.

Anyway one day a Union Rep stopped by the shop and asked if the employees had ever considered joining the Union. He proceeded to make a several implications that seemed to suggest that “It would be good for you to join the Union…OR ELSE.”. He did this in a relatively calm “just asking questions” manner.

It took a threat of calling the police to get him to finally leave the premises.

To this day the shop is still not unionized (though my friend no longer runs it).

I really don’t understand the mindset of being against unions, after all the unions and their members helped build the great middle class this country had.