
Who Killed Hostess Brands and Twinkies? Don't blame the union (and you shouldn't be eating that crap anyways)

CuriousLurker11/16/2012 3:32:00 pm PST

re: #20 Daniel Ballard

Twinkies, the stoner classic!
It’s amazing how many real world factors are being ignored by the RW “it’s the eeeebilll uuunionnn” crowd and the left leaning anti capitalists. Sheesh I had hoped for a bit of relief from these high caffeine content emotional self delusions after the election.

LOL. Y’know, I’m beginning to think that after the past four years of hysteria we’ve developed a case of national, collective PTSD or something. It’s just too much after a while. I’m too exhausted to do anything but giggle hysterically.