
Keystone XL Pipeline Bill Stalls in Senate

Targetpractice11/18/2014 8:13:25 pm PST

re: #198 Indy GOP Refugee

Why am I open minded on the pipe? Not over the GOP. Not because I’m a big believer in the jobs proposed.

EDITED-Because nobody has convinced me that the likely alternatives are any better for the environment. The unlikely alternatives are unpersuasive by definition. The critics are often those that also oppose nuclear power to a degree that prevent development of safer technologies, that oppose winds over bird strikes, solar farms over the alleged impact on the fauna or the unsightly nature of them. In other words against, against, and against, with no credible alternative to feed heat and move people.

What jobs? This pipeline will have as much effect on job creation as the census did back in 2010, a temporary blip that will offer people at most 6 months of employment before a section is finished and work moves on. There’s going to be 50 permanent maintenance jobs.