
Breaking: Trump Praises and Defends Alleged Wife Beater Rob Porter Despite Photos, Wishes Him Well: "He Said Very Strongly That He's Innocent"

🐈 Crush White Christian Nationalism 🐈2/09/2018 2:11:34 pm PST
Fox News pulled a column from its website that claimed that the U.S. Olympic Committee was trying to make the sporting event “darker, gayer, different,” created a backlash online. The piece was written by Fox News executive vice president and executive editor John Moody. Moody was responding to a Washington Post report quoting U.S. Olympic officials were are “pleased” that this year’s team “includes more African Americans and Asian Americans — and even the first two openly gay men — than recent winter squads.” Moody wrote: “In Olympics, let’s focus on the winner of the race — not the race of the winner.” Many groups, including GLAAD and Human Rights Campaign, criticized the piece. In a statement, Fox said the column “does not reflect views or values of Fox News.”