
Auto Industry Bankruptcy Watch

Spare O'Lake5/28/2009 1:17:27 pm PDT

re: #152 Yashmak

That, I have no problem with (the reduction in average car size…I don’t care much for Obama mandating it). I look forward to a day when it’s not bumper to bumper 12mpg SUV’s or king-cab pickup trucks on the road anymore, with only one person on board.

Do you also look forward to the GM car plants being shut down and moved offshore to the cheap labour markets of China and India? And then the little Asian-built GM shitboxes will be shipped right back to the US and sold to the samr poor consumers who are funding the sellout.
Because that is what is likely going to happen unless Obama nationalizes and erects protectionist trade barriers.
This is a complete and utter disaster.