
Trump's Russia Scandal Expands: Jeff Sessions Spoke Twice With Russian Ambassador During Trump's Campaign

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/01/2017 8:51:17 pm PST

re: #206 prairiefire

Did that raid in Yemen really need to happen? Was the need for “a bloody shirt” to hoist on the standard the real need? A populist, warmongering rally cry? Was that the mission’s goal?

It’s sure beginning to look like it.

And don’t forget hoisting a Gold Star Wife up as well. (spit)

The thought that Trump would have ordered a raid that got a Navy SEAL killed, left a grieving widow, killed a bunch of civilians unrelated to the raid, gained no useful intelligence, destroyed a $20 million aircraft, all to divert attention from the steady drumbeat of the Russia allegations, and the GOP throwing in with all that, turns my stomach.