
Bryan Fischer Fantasizes About "Stilettos, a Dress, and Dangly Earrings"

Dr Lizardo1/05/2013 9:11:42 am PST

re: #193 Gus

Beware: Human-Hating Liberals and Islamic Extremists Seek to Build Shariommunism!!

Well, just damn. They’ve figured out our secret plan for Shariommunism. Back to the old drawing board, I guess.

Hmmm…..maybe we can use our magical powers of taqiyya to infiltrate the Tea Party movement and take it over from within. We can do things like host Tea Party banquets and serve them Butterball stealth jihad turkey casseroles, which of course once eaten, will automatically make them Muslims. Why, eating Butterball turkey is practically like reciting the shahada. ///
