
The Bob & Chez Show: Spinbot

Pawn of the Oppressor11/02/2016 4:13:59 am PDT

Here are my questions that I never see properly answered by BLEIVARS:

1. If the architects of mega-conspiracies have such godlike power to manipulate international events at a whim, what makes you think they give a shit about your feelings in the first place? Are you special?

2. If some person or group is so powerful that they can do these things, why do they need to? Surely these mega-rich puppetmasters have everything they need or want at their disposal. Are they just bored?

I donā€™t see why a Rothschild Lizard Alien Jew Banker Elite would take time off from cruising on his yacht on the Croatian coast to bother manipulating U.S. elections. If the system is already created and maintained by this mysterious Cabal, then arenā€™t conspiracies just maintenance actions? Wouldnā€™t the International Lizard Jew Alien just have his lackeys keep the system running for him?

And isnā€™t the ā€œrevolutionā€ the puppetmasters allegedly fear, actually kind ofā€¦ You knowā€¦ Communist in nature? People rising up and taking back the power? Or is that just a false idea planted by Lizard Jew Sony Corp through Rage Against The Machine Lyrics, to keep us distracted and feeling hope when there is none?