
Marc Maron Is Great on the Late Show: We Turned Our Brains Over to Technology

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/19/2018 8:17:07 pm PDT

Left on the last thread, because I had to go repair a well:

re: #376 Chrysicat

Y’know, I am getting rather tired of re-treading the same territory with pacifists [in reference to nuclear weapons dropped on Japan] even as they and I live in the country that can only be set right via non-pacifist means. This is about halfway down a Bill Kristol thread about that ‘infest’ tweet sounding better in the original German.

re: #388 Anymouse 🌹

I’m not a pacifist.

As far as I can tell from history, the nukes were not necessary.

The two cities bombed were specifically spared regular bombing so we could test our nuclear weapons. We used civilians as a test.

Japan’s Imperial Navy and Air Force were already out of fuel, which is why the bombers got through. The Japanese Air Force could not afford to fly planes to shoot down a single bomber (single planes were viewed as reconnaissance and therefore not an immediate threat).

An invasion of the home islands (touted as the only other solution by those who think in black-and-white) was also unnecessary. The Japanese Empire had already collapsed; the Allies stood on all their territory. All that was required to do was wait until they surrendered. We had enough ships ourselves to blockade Japan fifty times over at that point.