
The Texas Taliban

keloyd3/03/2010 11:44:51 am PST

Walter, MArjorie, Happy Warrior,
Everyone but the Jews has gotten a turn at being “Israel.” Walter’s comment reminded me of one of the books on my naughty shelf. I inherited some wacky stuff from one great aunt (who did not believe a word of it, but kept the books all the same.) It was fairly popular when the British empire was hitting on all 8 cylinders that all the nice prophesies about Israel really referred to them. I keep that book next to the x-rated anti-Catholic propaganda about how nunneries kidnapped golden haired innocent girls and forced them into all kinds of fun depravity. These are next to Mein Kampf, The Bell Curve, The Satanic Verses, and I have a space empty for when Pat Buchanan’s latest Hitler book shows up on the $1 rack at Half Price Books.

re: #171 Alouette

Hey, Helen was a hottie back in the day. You know, “the face that launched a thousand ships”

Did these ships have paddle wheels? rows of slaves manning the oars? Did theses ships have Vikings on them?