
WATCH LIVE: President Obama's Press Conference, Without Cable Chatter

ObserverArt12/16/2016 12:53:26 pm PST

I can see it now. Tons of Tweets, posts and comments about Obama being a “pussy”*

If we wanted him to dump on Trump I will repeat…he is still President and he (and I) hopes to makes it out alive. And I will say it, in these times that IS a concern that so many on the ‘net will never have. And it is a concern I’ve had for the man since he has been president.

If he caused Trump in any way to not take office…how long before there were attempts to do some seriously bad stuff? Don’t think so…go stand in front of the man.

* Sorry for the use of the derogatory word…but you know it is coming and I am not one that is going to facilitate it.