
New From Keith Olbermann: Michael Flynn Must Be Fired (And Arrested)

William Lewis2/13/2017 8:03:39 pm PST

re: #200 mmmirele

It’s people like this dickhead who make me glad my late father left East Central Oklahoma for California when he turned 18.

My late father in law joined the Navy out of High School in 1942. He told his mother he wasn’t coming back. She’s all “Oh, Ed, don’t talk that way”. “No Momma, I’m not coming back to Alabama. Even if I survive, I’m never coming back.”

He met a first generation American of Swiss immigrants from Wisconsin who was working in the DOD at the Pentagon, converted from Southern Baptist to Roman Catholic and only visited Alabama occasionally the rest of his life. A Union rep too, he probably organized more workers than any other single man in Wisconsin in the 20th century.

Sometimes, some places are not worth trying to save. It’s better to just walk away.