
Your Friday Night Fearless Flyers Funky Fix: "Simon F15" [VIDEO]

Joe Bacon ✅5/04/2019 6:27:55 am PDT

re: #207 HappyWarrior

I would be thrilled if I stayed at a hotel and found out it had a Beatles connection but I gotta say, that’s a first, I’ve never seen the Beatles called satanist before.

Happy I remember the Birch Church back in the 60s whose preacher called the Beatles disciples of Satan.

Mom’s preacher went out of his way to go after Gawdless Cher. Oh and that Pulpit Pimp had every Liberace LP ever made saying he was a divinely inspired man of Gawd who lived a straight arrow life.

Bottom line—Pulpit Pimps are living proof that religion makes you stupid—very very stupid!