
Texas Lawmaker Backs Creationist 'Degree'

Zimriel3/16/2009 10:23:39 pm PDT

re: #209 Spar Kling

So, I’d suggest that the same legislative tools that will keep Intelligent Design, Creationism, and what-have-you out of public schools will also be used to entrench the teaching of Global Warming (along with the administration’s radical agenda) in Science classrooms.

What “legislative tools”? If it’s basic science, it gets taught as basic. If it’s an interpretation of data, it gets brought up in classroom discussion. The “legislative tools” used to keep out Intelligent Design are the same ones which should be used to keep out shari’a.

But it seems that many people here feel that the Obama administration’s planned deconstruction of our beloved industrialized America into a corrupt, third-world country is not nearly as great a threat as ID or Intelligent Design. I don’t.

We’ve been through this before. No-one outside the South thinks ID is likely to get a foothold nationwide. Quit shaking that strawman around; you’re not convincing anybody and you’re just making people pissed at you.

Here is what Charles and Sharmuta and I have been repeating, over and over.

Those lizards who don’t live in Texas worry that ID is going to tag Republicans as the “Deliverance Party”, and make the Democrats into the ruling party for as long as the country lasts.

I can’t speak so much for out of state, but my angle is that I live in Texas. I worry that IDers will make it harder for me to live and work here. That they’ll run the smart people out of state and turn this place into a Third World dump where competence matters less than the right religion.

However, I do not believe that religion should be taught in Science classes, but I do believe that controversy and challenges are good for Science and students studying the scientific method. Even wrong turns and blind alleys help sharpen students’ minds as they learn to challenge their own prejudices. So, yes, students should learn about phlogiston, aether, the Bohr atom, DeBroglie waves, Lamarckianism, spontaneous generation, and all the experiments that falsified them

There is no experiment that can falsify Intelligent Design. As you are well aware, I might add; tying this to religion is more misdirection on your part.

There are experiments which could be run to falsify / verify certain parts of evolution, dealing with bacteria; although for safety reasons those might have to be done remotely, in a biohazard lab, controlled by robots. The expense would be prohibitive right now but in a few years should be practical.