
Karsh: 'The War Against the Jews'

Bob Levin8/24/2012 7:58:58 am PDT

re: #215 Destro

Odd, you seem to be writing to a wider audience right now. What would give you the idea that you have a wider audience? We’re at comment 217, for the most part it’s not been a productive conversation—why would you think more people are reading?

Do you know a guy named War With Music? Are you that guy? You two have very similar writing styles, and I’ve been reading your stuff for days. You’re practically my ring tone.

What you don’t seem to understand, is that we are attacking your style of argument—which is not honest and contains hidden agendas. You think we’re talking about Islam and Christianity. We’re not. We’re talking about your inability to stay on a subject. And most important, we’re talking about arguments that have been heard before you were born, that have been the warning bell for Jews to get out of town, or Europe, or the sections of the Middle East. And we know the danger of those arguments, because so many Jews did not get far enough away. Those are your arguments. They’re old arguments. They may be new to you, but not to us.