
SPLC: Users of 'Stormfront' Web Forum Responsible for Many Deadly Hate Crimes, Mass Killings

Vicious Babushka4/17/2014 4:14:04 pm PDT

re: #100 Charles Johnson

I absolutely, categorically reject the characterization of Little Green Footballs as a “hate site,” now or ever. And the people who are trying to push this smear are using a source for it that is undoubtedly, by any measure, a virulent hate site of the worst kind.

If you look at Mona Holland’s Twitter feed, by the same token it can be described as a virulent hate feed. She has this virulent hate thing going on for Teh Juice.

Of course she has already twitsplained that she is NOT AN ANTI-SEMITE because she exempts certain Juice (like Max Blumenthal, Gilad Atzmon) from her Twit Hate.